
Sumo Deadlifts Form, Progress, and My Workout Routine

A year and five months ago. Sumo deadlifts 1x5 or 3x5 of 135 lb.

I pulled my lower back nine months ago due to rushed stretching and not warming up properly.  I could barely walk out of the gym and had to call off work the next day, couldn't do squats or deadlift for two to three weeks. This is when I realized how important it is to stretch and warm up properly because it could make or break your workout and even injure yourself. Stretching and warming up are also great so you won't be that sore the next time you workout. If it's your first day for a while even if you do everything properly, you will still be sore the next couple of days because you have been gone from the gym and your body isn't used to your workout a few weeks ago.  This video was eight months ago, after my back injury. I was so happy that I was able to to my normal weight for 135 lb.  for 3x3 with sumo deadlifting. Sumo deadlifting helps take some weight off of the lower back due to a lower range of motion. 

Overview of Workout Routine

Disclaimer: I am not a professional lifter/trainer. These workouts were researched on our own and based on my own experience.

I now stretch my whole body focusing on the back, thighs, hamstrings, and calves using a foam roller and doing some regular stretches and also incorporating yoga poses including: the baby pose, the snake, and the dog pose. I cannot go to the gym without streching and foam rolling. On the way to the gym, we drink some pre-workout from the brand Cellucor with two scoops each bottle shaker with water. If you're a beginner to this I would slowly start with 1 scoop. You don't want to drink an hour before the gym because it won't last that long, your body will get rid of it within the hour because we can't digest it, it just helps you get through with your sets and reps. You don't want to drink right before your workout because you might feel full and bloated and could lead to throwing up, trust me because I almost did.  We take a break from it for a couple of months after finishing a whole container for about two to three months.My favorite flavor is the strawberry margarita. You might feel a little bit itchy it's because of the beta alanine in the pre-workout, which goes away within the hour from taking it. When I go to the gym, I do at least two warm ups on my major workout for the day. For example for leg day my major workout and my first workout will be squats, so I warm up with just a bar, then 10 pounds on each side, and the last warm up would either be a 20 or a 25 lb. on each side. For chest and arms day the main workout is chest press or incline chest press. For back and shoulder day it's deadlifts or rows.  The number of my sets and rep. depends on whether or not my boyfriend and I are doing bodybuilding (lower weight with more reps) or  power lifting (higher weight with less reps) because we switch it up every couple of months depending if we want to bulk or shred. After doing the first main workout, we do about five assistance workouts and one super set for our last set of workouts. We workout three times a week and after every workout we try to do some cardio like running a mile as fast as you can, walking around the track/treadmill, and currently we are doing 5 sets of sprints around the track. Cardio and abs are not a big concern for us because when you lift weights you technically are doing cardio and abs because you incorporate that with your workouts. For example, keeping your core tight for squatting before you lift the weight and squat down, it helps brace the back and the weight will be easier to push up.
I have been going to the gym for about four years now and most of the things we do are researched and had some trial and error to see what worked for us.

About six months ago. Hit a new PR (personal record) sumo deadllift 1x1 for 165 lb.

Four months ago. Sumo deadlifts 3x3 for 155 lb.

My boyfriend and I are currently doing rows as our main back day workout, just taking a little break from deadlifts. It is great to switch up workouts for the area of focus so that your body won't get used to it and you shock your muscles and that's how you gain stronger muscles. Just like switching from deadlifts to doing some rows.  Some great shoes to squat/deadlift on are Converse and Nike Metcon because it has a flat insole and your feet are flat and not elevated.

***If you don't know /not sure of what you're doing please ask a professional trainer and also your doctor before taking any supplements.


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